What to Expect When You Hire a Toronto Tennis Court Resurfacing Expert

Have you found that the condition of your tennis court keeps getting worse? If so, it’ll soon become unplayable. Thankfully, you can resurface your court, which will solve all your problems. While that’s true, there is still plenty to consider.

That’s where a tennis court resurface expert will come in. They’ll be able to advise you on whether your court needs to be resurfaced and the best way to go about it. Read on to find out why you may need a tennis court resurfacing expert.

What to Expect When You Hire a Resurfacing Expert

If you’ve been thinking about resurfacing your tennis court, you’re probably wondering what to expect when you hire a Toronto tennis court resurfacing expert. Of course, the first thing you can expect is a thorough evaluation of your court.

The resurfacing expert will take into account the condition of the existing surface, any cracking or damage, and the amount of wear and tear it has endured.

They will also consider the type of tennis you play and the frequency with which you play. Based on this information, they will be able to provide you with a detailed estimate of the cost of resurfacing your court.

They’ll Advise on Whether to Repair or Replace Your Tennis Court

Tennis courts are an investment and one that should be protected. Over time, however, all court surfaces will degrade and eventually need to be repaired or replaced.

When this time comes, it is important to consult an expert to determine the best course of action. They will evaluate the condition of the court and will advise on whether repair or replacement is the most cost-effective option.

In some cases, a few simple repairs may be all that is needed to extend the life of the court. However, replacement may be the only option if the damage is extensive.

Whichever route is taken; it is important to ensure that the work is carried out by a qualified professional to ensure optimal results.

They’ll Advise the Best Surface Material for Your Court

Once you have decided to resurface, the next step is selecting the new surface. Remember that your new surface doesn’t always need to be the same material as the old one. Feel free to go for something different.

Many different types of surfaces are available, from concrete and grass to asphalt and clay. The resurfacing expert will be able to advise you on the best surface for your needs and budget.

Once the new surface has been selected, the expert will begin the process of resurfacing your court.

material for your court

What is the Process?

The process of resurfacing a court begins with removing the old surface. This can be done using an (industrial grade) power washer or a chemical stripper.

Once the old surface has been removed, any cracks or divots in the underlying concrete must be repaired. Next, a primer is applied to the concrete to help the new coating adhere. Once the primer has dried, the new surface can be applied.

After the new surface has been applied, it needs to be allowed to cure for around 24 hours before use. Resurfacing a court is a multi-step process, but the results are well worth it. A freshly resurfaced court will provide years of enjoyment for players of all skill levels.

How Much Does a Tennis Court Resurfacing Cost?

Tennis court resurfacing costs will vary depending on the company you choose and the size of the court.

For a simple resurfacing job, you can expect to pay around $3,000. However, if you need additional repairs, such as cracks or holes filled, the cost will be closer to $5,000.

For a more thorough resurfacing job that includes painting and line stripes, the cost will be around $7,000.

If you are looking for a high-end resurfacing job that includes significant repairs of the subsurface, you may be looking at closer to $10,000. However, no matter what your budget is, there is a tennis court resurfacing option that will fit your needs.

Is Tennis Court Resurfacing Worth It?

Many people enjoy playing tennis, but the game can be tough on tennis court surfaces. Over time, the sun and weather can cause the surface to crack and break down, making it uneven and unsafe.

As a result, many people choose to resurface their courts every few years. While this process is relatively expensive, it can extend the life of the court and make it more enjoyable to play on.

In addition, resurfacing can improve the appearance of the court, making it more inviting for games and events. For these reasons, resurfacing a tennis court is generally considered a worthwhile investment.

tennis court resurfacing worth

Final Thoughts

Before going ahead with any work on your courts, it’s a great idea to consult a professional tennis court resurface expert. They’ll give you all the necessary information, including the work required, the most suitable surface type, and an approximate cost.

Once you have all that info, you’ll be able to decide on the best course of action. Unless you’re a construction expert with experience in repairing and replacing tennis courts, it’s always the best idea to leave it to the professionals.